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Maragheh city traffic park

پارک ترافیک شهر مراغه Logo

Category Road Traffic Safety , Public Empowerment

City : Maragheh

Date started and scope of work
Maragheh City Traffic Park was established in this city since 2012 with the efforts of Maragheh Municipality and the Islamic Council of Maragheh City. This park welcomes elementary school students to learn the principles of traffic safety, safe passage through the streets, concepts of signs and traffic lights.
This park is under the supervision of Maragheh Municipality Transportation Organization and it was stopped some time after it started working. Recently, this park has been reopened in accordance with the policies of the child friendly city since 1401 and is open to students. It should be mentioned that the students attended the park in groups with the coordination of the schools and were trained by the experts and specialists of the Municipal Transportation Organization as well as the experts of the Maragheh Highway Police.

Implementation process

Maragheh traffic park was designed and equipped with the efforts of Maragheh municipality and city council, following the example of existing traffic parks in big cities. The responsibility of maintaining the space and equipment of this park is the responsibility of the municipal transportation organization.

The trainings are conducted by the experts of this organization, and traffic police experts are also used to provide trainings during inter-departmental cooperation. Schools in the city transport students to this park through prior coordination so that students can benefit from traffic safety training.

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The achievements of the construction of Maragheh traffic park are:

- Strengthening the police assistant plan in cooperation with the municipality and the traffic police

- Improving students' knowledge about traffic safety issues

- Improving students' skills in the field of self-care against accidents and traffic accidents