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Paveh Healthy City

Paveh City Logo

City : Paveh

County : Paveh

Province : Kermanshah

Population : 63000 people

HCP phase : Registered

Start Date : 2022/1/17

Registration date in NHCN : 2022/1/17

Awarded as HC by EMRO : Not registered


The city of Paveh is located 112 km from the center of Kermanshah province and 45 km to the zero point of the border. The structures and houses in this city are designed in such a way that in most cases the roof of the houses that are built at a lower height from the mountain slope is the yard of a house that is built a few meters higher. For this reason, Paveh is called the city of Hezar Masouleh. In the past, Paveh had 9 neighborhoods where the main inhabitants of the city lived in these parts and they are: "Peshteh", "Mirayava", "Shah Khe Lian", "Seh Radi", "Ghadim Shar", "Asangaran", "Qalakhan" , "Faiz Ava", "Savareh or Zavareh".

Paveh city with pleasant climate and lush gardens has a lot of potential to attract tourists. The villages of Nesmeh, Shamshir, Khaneghah and Hajij, the stepped city of Paveh and Nodsheh, Darian Dam, Migore Bayangan tourist area, Hossein Koohkan stone cave and the border villages of Kimaneh, Birvas and Hani Garmeh with its pristine and untouched nature are among the tourist areas of Paveh city.

Paveh Healthy City program started in January 2022 with the aim of health-oriented urban development.

Healthy City Structure

In completion

HCP achievements

In completion

HCP authorities

Ms . Soraya Azizi

Ebrahim Naiemifar

Links and Contact information

Paveh Health Center, Health Education Department